Tag: IAM


How to Allow/Deny AWS IAM User Access based on IP Address?

You need to write condition in IAM User Policy, to allow or deny any specific IP address to access. I have explained the steps to write Policy under the IAM users in this article. You have to follow the same steps which provided in the above article and additionally you should write condition to allow/deny […]


How to provide permission to access specific S3 Bucket Object to IAM Users?

To grant permission only to access the specific S3 Bucket object, you need to create the Policy under the IAM user. Go to IAM in AWS console using the root/admin login. https://console.aws.amazon.com Under the Users, Select the Username to who you want to provide permission to access the S3 bucket. You can Find the Permission […]


How to create access keys in AWS

Step 1: You should have AWS account to create new Security Access Keys. Login to AWS console using your credential, https://console.aws.amazon.com/console/home You can find all the Services. Under Security, Identity & Compliance tab you find IAM. https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam Or You can search the service using the name, Step 2: Click on IAM to open it, Then […]


How to Upload SSL certificate to Amazon Web Service(AWS) IAM using command line interface

Here I will explain the steps to upload the custom SSL certificate to Amazon Web Service (AWS) Identity and Access Management (IAM) using Amazon Command Line interface. Step 1: First use should install the command line interface to your machine. Below the URL, you can get the setup for Windows both 64 and 32 bits. […]

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