Disappearing Messages – WhatsApp – How to Enable/Disable?

Disappearing message enable/disable WhatsApp

Disappearing Messages – WhatsApp – How to Enable/Disable?

Recently WhatsApp introduced a new feature called disappearing messages. This feature will be helpful to many people who do not want to keep the conversation on their mobile.

What is Disappearing Message?

This is the new feature introduced in WhatsApp’s latest update. The message that you send to the individual or group will be disappeared after 7 days automatically. Hence after that, you could not see messages that are 7 days older.

Key things

  • Individual/Group chat can set to disappearing.
  • Limited only to 7 days. One cannot set any other numbers.
  • By default, this feature is in disabled state.
  • Media files also would disappear. If you enabled media files to auto-download, then media files saved to your phone and will not disappear.
  • Unread messages also would disappear after 7 days, if you would have enabled this feature. But the preview message stays in notification until reading it.
  • Backup messages will not disappear. But it will disappear when retore it.

Note: If you don’t find this feature, make sure you have updated your WhatsApp to the latest version.

How to enable the disappearing messages feature?

One can enable this feature in individual chat or group chat.

  1. Open the individual chat
  2. Tap on name.
  3. Click on “Disappearing messages”. By default, it is disabled.
  4. Continue with info dialog.
  5. Click “On” button to enable this feature.
Enable the Disappearing messages feature
Enable the disappearing messages feature

Note: To enable this to Group chat, open the group chat, and tap on the group name, and do the same that explained for an individual chat.

How to disable the disappearing messages feature?

One can disable this feature anytime after enabled.

  1. Open the individual chat.
  2. Tap on name.
  3. Click on “Disappearing messages”.
  4. Click “Off” button to enable this feature.
Disable the Disappearing messages feature
Disable the Disappearing messages feature

Note: You can also tap on info shown in the blue area in the conversation box, to enable/disable the disappearing feature.

I hope this article helps to know about the disappearing the conversation in individual/group chat and how to enable/ disable this feature in WhatsApp.

Also, to keep your WhatsApp secure by taking the following steps provided in the article.

He is a product manager at a reputed software company and a freelance blog writer. He is experienced in different technologies, web securities, and web applications. He keeps learning and make himself up to date on the latest technologies, news, health, and fitness. This encouraged him to share his experiences by writing articles.

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