Homemade Face Pack for Instant Glow! Beauty Tips in Tamil

Homemade Face Pack for Instant Glow

Homemade Face Pack for Instant Glow! Beauty Tips in Tamil

In this article, I will walk through the easy process to make a homemade face pack for the instant glow. This is a very simple face pack, purely organic, and made using the easily available ingredient from everyone’s home.

Before proceeding with steps to prepare the face pack, I’m telling you some benefits of using this face pack.

Those benefits are,

  1. Produce an Instance Glow.
  2. Suitable for different age groups
  3. Reduce the Wrinkles in the face
  4. Prevent and Cure Acne.
  5. Brightening the Skin.

You can check the following video on my YouTube channel where I have explained the steps for how to prepare a homemade face pack that helps to produce an instant glow to your skin. This video has been uploaded in the Tamil language. Those who can understand Tamil would watch the video below. If you are not understating Tamil, read this blog, here I have mentioned the steps to prepare a homemade face pack.

Homemade Face Pack for Instant Face Glow! Beauty Tips in Tamil

The main ingredient is “Beetroot and Boiled Rice”

Steps to Make Homemade Face Pack for Instant Glow

Step 1: First, take 6 to 7 pieces of beetroot and put it in a bowl.

One medium-size beetroot is sufficient to make 6 t0 7 pieces.

Step 2: Then, You should grind these beetroot pieces nicely using a smaller Mixi jar.

Step 3: After that, take the juice from the grained beetroot, keep it in separate bowl,

Leave the beetroot waste after taking the juice completely.   

Step 4: Take some boiled rice that boiled without adding salt.

Note: You can use any type of rice available at home that is used for cooking.

Step 5: Then grain the boiled rice in Mixi. Once grained completely, move the paste from the jar to a separate bowl.

Step 6: Mix the rice and beetroot juice like a paste, so the paste completely turned become a beetroot color.

That’s it. Now you can start to apply the face pack paste to your face. You can apply this paste in the eye surrounding area to prevent dark, also can apply on top of the closed eye.

Once applied, wait for 10 mins to dry it, then wash your face thoroughly.  After washing your face, you can feel the difference before and after. You can apply moisturizer cream on your face after the wash.

Final Words,

I hope you guys will try this simple homemade natural face pack by following the steps in this blog or my YouTube video. The main ingredient used in this face pack is the beetroot. Everyone knows how good and healthy the beetroot is, and the same benefits apply to our faces. In addition to beetroot is the best one for anti-aging and prevents the appearance from getting older by reducing wrinkles. It helps to prevent and cure acne. The added advantage is skin-brightening the Vitamin C content present in beetroot helps to glow the face in the natural pink. Try this face pack made with natural ingredients that will not cause any side effects.

So, guys please do subscribe to my blogs and channel. Thank you for reading and watching.

Moreover, you can check my other health and beauty tips on my channel also I will post the blog soon.

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She is a Makeup artist, Hairstylist, and YouTuber. She is interested in makeup, hairstyles, beauty tips, travels, fashion, and lifestyle. She uploads videos of her interests on her channel. Follow her on the YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC22XvmqCBOntnD2ZduMqfBQ.

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