Comparison between Angular vs React vs Vue.js – Which is the best in 2020?

Comparison between Angular vs React vs Vue.js – Which is the best in 2020?

As everyone knows, the JavaScript framework is the fast-evolving framework in the last decade which has lots of options in the current market and creates confusion between web developers to choose the right one. The most popular JavaScript frameworks heard by everyone are Angular (Earlier it was AngularJS), React, Vue.js, etc.

This article helps those who are don’t have an idea to pick the right framework for your project. Here I have come with a detailed comparison report between Angular vs React vs Vue.js.

After you read the comparison table, you will get the idea to choose the right framework. This report covers the statistics till the year 2019, and you can start the 2020 year with the right framework.

Comparison Guide: Angular vs React vs Vue.js

Framework/LibraryJavaScript FrameworkJavaScript LibraryJavaScript Framework
Released On201020132014
Released ByGoogleFacebookEx – Employee of Google
Latest Version (till Jam 2020)Version 8   (On 28th May 2019)Version 16.12.0   (On 14th Nov 2019)Version 2.6.11   (On 14th Dec 2019)   Note: Vue 3.0 is coming soon.
Latest Trends Keyword Percentage (Last 12 Months)74 (Average)89 (Average)2 (Average)
Stackoverflow insights (Most Loved Frameworks by developers)57.6%74.5%73.6%
NPM Stats (Last 12 Months)55939 Stars141723 Stars155013 Stars
Supported FrameworkTypeScriptJavaScriptJavaScript
Used to DevelopSingle Page ApplicationSingle Page ApplicationSingle Page Application
Model followedMVVM   (Model-View-ViewModel)DOM   (Document Object Model)DOM   (Document Object Model)
DOM TypeReal DOMVirtual DOMVirtual DOM
PerformanceSlow compared to React and Vue.High Compared to Angular. But Slow compared to Vue.High compared to Angular and React.
SizeHeavy Weight compared to React and Vue.Light Weight Framework not better than Vue.Light Weight Framework.   (Light weight compared to React.)
FlexibilityNot Flexible, Everything available in Angular Package. No flexibilities to chose other libraries. Much Flexible, you can use required libraries.Not Much Flexible than React.
Community SupportStrong Community Base from GoogleStrong Community Base from FacebookIt has Open Source Community Base.
AdvantagesStrong Community Base.Sometimes Real DOM is more efficient than Virtual DOM.  Strong Community Base.JavaScript Knowledge is enough, no need of TypeScript KnowledgeHigh in performance because of Virtual DOM.Prefer to use for Light Weight Application.JavaScript Knowledge is enough, no need of TypeScript Knowledge.High in performance because of Virtual DOM.Prefer to use for Light Weight Application.
DrawbacksSlow performance compared to React and Vue.Using Real DOM, lackDifficult for developer to learn compared to React and Vue.Not suitable for lightweight applications.Requires supports from other libraries for tasks like routing.It’s not a framework like angular rather it’s a libraryNew framework, so we don’t find much knowledge on this framework in market.No experiments with integrating with larger project, so risk is high, but in future it will resolve surely.
Companies UsedGoogle, Wix, Microsift, Autodesk, AWS, Youtube, UdemyFacebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Dropbox, AtlassianAlibaba, Xiaomi, Adobe, Gitlab, 9Gag

Table: Comparison between Angular vs React vs Vue.js

For Statistical Reference Angular vs React vs Vue.js

Here, check out the following links,

Stack overflow Insights:

Google Search keyword:,React,Angular

NPM package downloads:

State of JS:


Hence, the above comparison report between Angular vs React vs Vue.js gives you an idea about each framework’s performance, structure, pros, and cons. But it’s purely up to a developer’s choice to go with the right framework by considering the application purpose, weight-age of the application.

He is a product manager at a reputed software company and a freelance blog writer. He is experienced in different technologies, web securities, and web applications. He keeps learning and make himself up to date on the latest technologies, news, health, and fitness. This encouraged him to share his experiences by writing articles.

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